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Until Wedding


I Choose to Remember

Of the millions of moments in my life,
I choose to remember selected few,
Most recently of which are about you.

I choose to remember a meeting,
Nothing extraordinary but a friendly chat,
I never even knew you wanted more than that.

I choose to remember a date,
I waited patiently for hours for you,
Not knowing that God had a plan for us two.

I choose to remember our engagement,
It was all but an innocent cup of coffee,
Only for me a timeless question.

I choose to remember the look on your face,
The shudder in your voice as you waited, waited,  Waited, waited, waited, waited and then said Yes!
I knew I never want this moment passed.

Now I choose to wait for  this day,
For in Gods eyes you are mine and I yours,
This moment will be ours forever.

by Kagwiria Kimathi

Modified by Joe Clarke